This has been one busy weekend. Getting the code wasn't as straight forward as I thought it would be. On top of that, a couple of my team members were sick this weekend so we didn't get to meet very much. We did get the opportunity, however, to decide that Fortune Hunter would be the way to go for our team to contribute to. Our decision may have been slightly swayed by the fact that PacMath was inactive and the one person who has consistently been keeping in touch with us works on Fortune Hunter. :) One of my team members, Jaime, also figured out how to get the code on ubuntu (and installing git, which is needed) and shared it with us.
I personally prefer to just be able to work on my mac (ubuntu gives me migraines unfortunately :/), so I had to do a little research myself into how to get things rolling on my mac. I started with some links that the guy from Fortune Hunter (Jonathan Meschino) gave our team. As I was installing the things on the list, I stumbled across a GUI called OpenInGitGui. I should go ahead and say that I put the link here, not because I am using it and think it's awesome, but because if anyone gets curious and can get it to function properly I would love to know how :) . I tried using it and it seemed pretty self-explanatory, but I kept getting errors telling me certain things didn't exist or they couldn't get access to them and it became more of a headache than it was actually worth. So I decided to go the terminal route and check out everything that way. The command to get the code in terminal was the same line that is used in linux to do so (which Jaime had already provided), so I was able to successfully (and semi-painlessly) get the code. Once I got the code, I also went ahead and made sure I could view the code and everything in Netbeans (my savior), which was easy enough. After all this, I'm just glad I get to work on my mac os this semester.
On a semi-unrelated side note, I paid my graduation fee's that much closer. :)
'Til next time...
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